Research Consulting

Do you need guidance on a sexual health research study? Do you have questions about survey design or question development? Do you need an outside opinion on your dissertation research? 

What to expect:

•Ideal research design recommendations 
•Recruitment strategizing
•Survey instrument formulation best suited to predict and measure sexual behavior 
•Research idea development

Career Consulting

Are you ABD and trying to plan what’s next? Are you trying to decide if finishing your PhD is worth it? Do you have your PhD and want to transition out of academia? I can help you identify your options in and outside of academia.

What to expect: 
•Develop a list of your transferable skills that apply to non-academic fields
•Identify careers that are aligned with your desires to utilize your PhD skills outset of an academic setting
•Receive a list of nonacademic jobs available tailored to your unique skillset and interests
•Referrals for informational interviews

Grad school consulting

Are you trying to decide between applying to a master’s or PhD program? Are you trying to decide what type of program would best help you achieve your career goals? This service is for you.
What to expect:
•Develop a pro/con list for different programs
•Flesh out career priorities and identify higher education programs that are aligned with them
•Create timeline and strategy from applications

Sexual Health Consulting

Do you have questions about the best sexual health practices to maximize a pleasurable sex life? Do you want some support unpacking internalized stigma and how that shows up in your sexual health toolkit? Disclaimer: I am NOT a licensed sexual healthcare provider or sex therapist. 
What to expect:
•Personalized recommendations to maximize pleasure and safety
•Guidance on stigma-reduction techniques to help achieve an ideal sex life